At NorthernLife, our weekly sermons are organised into multi-message series. Series can be expository (working through a book of the Bible), topical, or organised another way.
Join us as we kick off a month unpacking our 2025 vision — EVERLASTING — with a sermon series through The Psalms.
The Letter to the Colossians is all about the everlasting reality of the Son, the image of the invisible God — Jesus. Join us this January as we kick off our vision for the year, "Everlasting," with a sermon series through Colossians.
This December we're unpacking the letter of 1 John in view of the Christmas story when the light of the world came to earth in Jesus.
Kings & Characters is back for season 2! This series takes a sweeping look at the story of the Old Testament by surveying the lives of kings like David, Saul and Josiah and characters like the Ark of the Covenant and the Philistines.