5240 x Multiply is our 2022 vision series, combining the Bibleloop program “5240: The Books of Luke & Acts in 40 Days” and our 2022 vision: Multiply. 5240 x Multiply is a ten-week journey through the books of Luke & Acts, with a view to seeing the kingdom multiply throughout.
This December we're unpacking the letter of 1 John in view of the Christmas story when the light of the world came to earth in Jesus.
Go to SeriesWhat happens at the end of the world? This series explores these questions, finding hope for today in the return of Christ.
Go to SeriesThe Letter to the Colossians is all about the everlasting reality of the Son, the image of the invisible God — Jesus. Join us this January as we kick off our vision for the year, "Everlasting," with a sermon series through Colossians.
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