The Letter to the Colossians is all about the everlasting reality of the Son, the image of the invisible God — Jesus. Join us this January as we kick off our vision for the year, "Everlasting," with a sermon series through Colossians.
Christmas is WONDERFUL, DIFFICULT, INCLUSIVE & MIRACULOUS. Join us for our 4-week Christmas 2023 sermon series.
Go to SeriesThis series is all about second chances, about having a go at ministry again even after being hurt. By studying 3 second-chance stories in the Gospels, this series will encourage you to believe again, minister again, and step out again.
Go to SeriesOur theme for this May Mission Month is Mending! No matter where we are, we can join God in mending a beautiful, broken world. This series is provided by Baptist Mission Australia and will be run in churches across Australia.
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