Five Magnetic Points Leading Us Home

The person of Jesus of Nazareth is the subversive fulfilment of the deep longings of every human being across time and culture. The HUMAN series explores 5 of these magnetic points: totality, norm, deliverance, destiny, and higher power. If you or a friend are exploring faith, invite them along to this series!


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January 2024

Gospel of New Beginnings

The biblical book of Mark is the Gospel of New Beginnings. In 2024, Lord willing, we'll work our way through all of Mark as we find the new beginnings the Lord has for us as a church.

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October 2021


What does it mean to be a church living wholeheartedly for God? This message unpacks the calling of Scripture to “love the Lord our God with all our heart.”

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March 2023

The Great Prayer

John 17 records “The Great Prayer”—Jesus’ last prayer for the disciples before his arrest and crucifixion. This sermon series works through John 17.

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