The Lord's Prayer

It's the heart of the Sermon on the Mount, the way Jesus taught his disciples to pray, the most famous prayer in history. Join us for this 3-week mini-series in The Lord's Prayer as we unpack the Father's CHARACTER & KINGDOM, PROVISION & FORGIVENESS, and GUIDANCE & PROTECTION.

Series starts
September 29, 2024
Series starts
September 29, 2024

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January 2023

Strong Eyes CXX

In 2023, NorthernLife is celebrating its 120th birthday! God has been so faithful over the years, even when we couldn't see it. This series "Strong Eyes CXX" looks back at 4 stories of faith from the Old Testament to encourage us at NorthernLife to continue looking into the future with faith in a faithful God.

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January 2022


God’s vision for the growth of His Kingdom is Xponential. Our first sermon series for 2022 unpacks this idea.

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July 2022


The Book of Deuteronomy is Moses’ last words to the people of Israel before they enter the Promised Land. In it, Moses encourages faithfulness to Yahweh and exhorts them to turn away from false gods. This sermon series will encourage you if you are about to enter something new in your life.

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