What does the Lord our God require of us? This May is our May Mission Month—we’re looking at the threefold call of Micah 6:8 to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly. We want to be a church that carries God’s heart for the nations by advocating for justice for the poor, widows, orphans and refugees.
The person of Jesus of Nazareth is the subversive fulfilment of the deep longings of every human being across time and culture. The HUMAN series explores 5 of these magnetic points: totality, norm, deliverance, destiny, and higher power. If you or a friend are exploring faith, invite them along to this series!
Go to SeriesThe Letter to the Colossians is all about the everlasting reality of the Son, the image of the invisible God — Jesus. Join us this January as we kick off our vision for the year, "Everlasting," with a sermon series through Colossians.
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